Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh, oh. oh -oh, oh omg!

Pangs of pride radiated through me as I successfully downloaded my circus music from ITunes. Not only have I set up an account this summer but have used it twice! Rambling to get my video open so I could insert my music, I could hardly wait. I remembered how easy it was in my year end video at school and was sure it would be a snap. Well, it wasn't a snap, or a snap crackle, or a snap, crackle, was a flop! But again I must say, "Boy, did I learn a lot! iTunes downloads in a format to be used on iPods, iPhones...not what I needed for Photostory 3. Hmmm! I searched for a conversion tool on my computer but no. After consulting with my sister and my daughter I found at least 2 ways to get my music converted. I ended up using Zamzar and found it quite user friendly. If I can do it anyone can. I must admit that my sister did rescue me when I converted to the wrong format and was about to collapse. It reminded me of a very bad Christmas light fiasco involving me and other sister. You know the point at which frustration, exhaustion and hunger make it impossible to continue with you plan? So anyway it is back to work. I'm determined to finish.

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